Facilitating Change and Continuous Improvement at the UBC Faculty of Medicine

Educational Technology Highlights for 2022-2023

The Digital Solutions, Educational Technology portfolio facilitates efforts by faculty and learners to enhance the educational experience of developing healthcare providers through innovative approaches.

We had a very successful year in 2022-23. Working collaboratively with our partners we were able to have a positive impact on the Faculty’s societal and educational goals to transform health for everyone.


EdTech supporting FoM educational innovation through enhanced clinical faculty experiences


EdTech efforts to support FOM program expansions


EdTech facilitated integration of innovative learning approaches to address programmatic challenges.

EdTech supporting FoM educational innovation through enhanced clinical faculty experiences

The Edge of Care

This documentary engaged with indigenous elders, storytellers, physicians, and residents to showcase the impact of the Real-Time Virtual Support (RTVS) Program. By sharing the experiences of patients and practitioners, the video emphasizes the importance of equitable healthcare in rural and remote communities.

Given the need to provide specialized medical care in remote communities, the Edge of Care plays an essential role in building interest and awareness of rural care opportunities in British Columbia. This video has won three international creative awards (2 MUSE and 1 HERMES award) for excellence in the education categories. In addition, the video has been viewed publicly over 3600 times since April 2023.

This documentary highlights the importance of rural and remote care and brings equitable healthcare to populations.

Day in Life of a Preceptor

This is an innovative online curriculum designed to tackle the shortage of family physicians across B.C. EdTech employed user experience research methodologies to help UBC Faculty of Medicine, Faculty Development understand the physicians’ challenges and provide culturally relevant solutions informed by users.

This user-centric teaching curriculum fosters a supportive peer network and enables practicing physicians to expand their teaching abilities in clinical settings, which in turn attracts new learners to family medicine.

EdTech Efforts to Support FOM Program Expansions

Undergraduate Medicine Fraser Cohort Promotional Video

Image of a person walking against cityscape

This video aims to increase visibility, attractiveness, and understanding of personal and professional opportunities while studying and practicing medicine in the Fraser Valley. The video not only demonstrates the Faculty’s support of equitable health care but also serves as the learners’ and programs’ voice in representing their values and distinctive perspectives.

Health Professions Northern Expansion

The expansion of the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (OSOT) program will support future occupational therapists in northern BC, and train graduates in a location closer to communities that require their services the most. EdTech’s close collaboration with OSOT’s faculty and staff helped further adapt their pedagogy, optimize new systems, and explore educational possibilities offered by technology.

Speech Language Pathology (SLP) is preparing to expand and distribute their program for the academic year 2024/25. The existing cohort of 36 attending UBC will be joined virtually by 12 more learners from Victoria. This initiative supported SLP faculty in their transition to a new mode of teaching and learning, which will be delivered via a newly designed and installed video conference system.

  • 25% increase in number of learners in Prince George at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC).
  • 33% increase in number of learners in UBC joining from Victoria.

EdTech facilitated integration of innovative learning approaches to address programmatic challenges

Respectful Learning Environment (RLE) Video

Photo of two people sitting on a bench and facing each other and talking

This segment of a 4-part video series, the RLE video effectively portrays relatable scenarios which encourage authentic discussions on anti-discrimination and learner mistreatment.

It promotes diversity, inclusivity, and authenticity while incorporating cinematic aesthetics to immerse viewers in the situation, fostering deep reflection without distractions.

UBC Medicine Learning Network Podcasts

Launched in April 2021, the UBC Medicine Learning Network is the first academic medical podcast network in Canada. Currently, EdTech hosts, distributes, trains, and produces seven podcasts created by or with UBC learners and faculty worldwide through the network.

Over 30,000 downloads across 7 podcasts

3 new podcasts launching in 2023-2024

Best of show begins on CITR Radio 101.9FM Summer 2023

Entrada User Experience Review

Improvements to the Entrada Learning Management System to address key usability issues and the necessity for revising the governance structure and establishing comprehensive content guidelines for administrative staff. These enhancements are a direct result of feedback from faculty, administrators and learners.

Clinical Assessment (Direct Observation) Process Improvement Initiative

This Undergraduate Medicine process improvement initiative aimed to positively impact the gathering of faculty feedback on learner performance in the clinical setting. Administratively, this meant reducing the complex manual data handling processes, reducing administrative overhead, and providing transparency for learners in their progress to completion of 50 direct observations. A full process review was performed, with a thorough needs analysis and environmental scan in order to create a clear requirements list.

EdTech in partnership with program administrators was able to implement extensive process improvements without requiring a major change in technology.

EdTech would like to thank its partners for the opportunity to work together!