Our Services
The EdTech team follows a design-oriented approach to ensure that our faculty and learner clients are successful with their educational initiatives.

We meet with you to discuss your educational challenges, goals, and expectations.
Together, we collaborate to create ideas and consider how technology might best meet your unique needs.

Develop & Prototype
Together, we select the best path forward and develop a detailed plan on how to tackle it.
Distribute & Evaluate
We distribute our collaborative work and seek audience feedback to support continuous improvement.
Our services include:

Have an idea for the future of education? Your virtual, augmented, xR and simulation concept can become a reality.

We specialize in medical simulation technology, designing a complete simulation facility, providing infrastructure guidelines and appropriate technologies to meet the institution’s needs.

We specialize in audio: from writing, recording, DIY training and resource support, to designing, hosting and distributing podcasts on the UBC Medicine Learning Network.

From concept and scripting to filming, animating and editing, we produce engaging video content for your audience. We can help optimize use of video in curriculum and provide training.

Transform your curriculum-based teaching materials into engaging learning experiences. Our Instructional Designers guide you through the design and development process.

Not all questions have the same answer. We work with you to find a solution that fits your specific needs in curriculum design, digital media production, simulation, change and analytics.

Education is evolving. We help individuals, teams and programs to adapt through advice and logistical planning on technology, staff, collaboration and process.

We help collect and analyse learners’ clickstream data throughout specific assignments and modules, in order to help understand and optimise teaching and learning.