UGME and Digital Solutions Project Intake Process 

There are many opportunities for system improvements within the operations of the UG program that require technological solutions. The operations of the UG program are complicated and many processes span multiple courses and academic years and need to work seamlessly across sites and in different health authorities. In addition, the resources available for technological improvements are finite and so when prioritizing projects we will consider the following principles:


Support goals and initiatives that promote the mandate and indicators of success of FoM education programs and services and the learner experience. (Internal Risk) 


Protect and enhance the external reputation of FoM education programs and services. (Reputational Risk)


Collaborate with and support intersection of FoM education programs and services with UBC Central systems, policies or processes. (UBC Central Intersection)


Support interface of FoM education programs and services with external bodies. (External Interface)

In addition, to support the smooth integration of new projects into our complicated systems, for each project, stakeholders will:  

  1. Engage with program leadership to ensure curricular alignment
  2. Engage with program administration to ensure
    a) resources are available
    b) any process or people issues are addressed pre-digital solutioning
  3. Consult with Digital Solutions to ensure capacity and capability to deliver work before embarking an initiative
  4. Ensure appropriate project management and resourcing planning before an initiative occurs
  5. Ensure that the proposed initiative/change has a positive impact on the learner experience
  6. Ensure alignment with appropriate UBC policies, privacy, data security, and financial protocols

Project Intake Form

If you identify a system improvement opportunity, please following the below process and complete the intake form. All projects will be reviewed annually and the priorities for the year confirmed at UGMEC. If you have questions about the process or intake form, please contact us at

Download the Project Intake Form

Current UGME and Digital Solutions Projects 

New and Continuing Projects for Academic Year 2023-2024

Title Description Project Sponsor Project Lead(s) Timeline for completion Status
Panopto Lecture Recording Storage Platform Implementation Learner accounts being generated to enable ease of use. Investigating App option. Gary Rosborough Tim Bateman/Adrian Wheeler Oct. 2023 In Progress
Teacher Assessment Process Improvement (Phase 2: Technology Review) Identifying and implementing opportunities to simplify processes and technology. Katherine Wisener Tim Bateman May 2024 In Progress
Entrada UX Improvements Implementation
  • Improvements to Yr.3/4 and ICC spaces
  • Improvements to Gradebook for FLEX and Portfolio
Dr. Cheryl Holmes Justin Student Ongoing In Progress
Multifactor Authentication for Learners UBC required security project Grainne McElroy Mawuena Glymin Dec. 2023 In Progress
Admissions Process and Technology Review
  • Phase 1: Targeting opportunities to improve current processes
  • Phase 2: Target review and potentially replace technologies utilized to manage admissions processes and interviews.
Catherine Macala Maggie Mann June 2024 In progress
Year 3 Direct Observations Technology Pilot Feedback gathering and evaluation of a pilot Qualtrics/Apex solution to inform the development of a long term solution. Vincent Arockisamy Clare Newlands/Tim Bateman/Elaine Molloy April 2024 In Progress
Clinical Faculty Experience Improvements
  • Phase 1: Scope Clarification
  • Phase 2: Clinical Faculty Scheduling
  • Phase 3: Small Group Scheduling
Educational Platform Viability Review Review of existing platforms (One45 and Entrada/Elentra) to ensure are aligned with long term expansion and fiscal goals. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Entrada Governance Structure Implementation Create a more efficient decision making process that would include a steering and working group bodies made up of DS, Administration and Faculty Leadership. Gary Rosborough, Site Administrative Directors TBD TBD TBD
Educational Activity Form Process and Technology Review Review existing processes and technology for gathering learning activity changes through the Curriculum Management Unit. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Please note, at any time priorities may change due to external factors such as accreditation.

Academic Year 2022-2023

Title Description Project Sponsor Project Lead(s) Timeline for completion Status
Small Group Scheduling Process Analysis Review of existing scheduling processes to identify opportunities for process and technology Improvements in Clinical Skills, Family Medicine and CBL TBD TBD TBD Currently being incorporated in the larger “Scheduling” discussion for the FOM.
MedNet Replacement Migration from existing SharePoint solution to WordPress. Chris Taylor Adria Karchut Dec. 2022 Complete
FLEX Activity Registry Improvements Updates to technology supporting the registration process for FLEX activities. Dr. Alice Mui Trevor Knox, Niki Giannopoulos April 2023 Complete
Respectful Learning Environments Workshop Media This project focused on re-creating a learning video utilized as part of the Respectful Learning Environment workshops. Dr. Cheryl Holmes Zac Rothman August 2022 Complete
Please note, at any time priorities may change due to external factors such as accreditation.

Academic Year 2021-2022

Title Description Project Sponsor Project Lead(s) Timeline for completion Status
Workplace Based Assessment Direct Observations To conduct a process and technology review of the current approach for tracking Direct Observations (DO). Goal is to identify and implement opportunities to enable learners to self-track their WBA DO activities, automate much of the process currently undertaken by faculty and staff and enable faculty leadership to review learner performance data to facilitate discussions around progress in the program. Dr. Vincent Arokiasamy (PLAT) Clare Newlands, Elaine Molloy April 2023 Complete
FLEX Technology Platform Improvements UX Review and platform updates to improve learner access to FLEX learning opportunities. Dr. Alice Mui Trevor Knox, Niki Giannopoulos Nov. 2021 Complete
Entrada UX Review Goal is to determine ways in which the user experience within the Entrada platform can be improved for learners and faculty. Dr. Cheryl Holmes, Dr. Adrian Yee Justin Student June 2021 Complete
“Listen”: Interprofessional Project in Support of developing Virtual Care Competency (Podcasts) The goal of this project is to produce a podcast series which focuses on the virtual care experience across a variety of healthcare disciplines. Dr. Adrian Yee Stephen Gillis Ongoing Extended into 2023-24 Academic Year
Teacher Assessment Process and Technology Review The goal is to gain insight and understanding of the current process involved for the Teacher Assessment activity, identify significant pain points for all users involved (Staff/Faculty/Learners/Site Leaders etc.) and identify opportunities to improve their experience. Katherine Wisener, Faculty Development Tim Bateman, Clare Newlands, and Dajana Labas Ongoing Complete
VR for Clinical Skills Goal was to create the first fully integrated Virtual Reality experience as part of the UGME Yr. 2 clinical skills. Dr. Alisdair Nazerali-Maitland, Dr. Kevin Shi Zac Rothman January 2022 Complete
Please note, at any time priorities may change due to external factors such as accreditation.