The Simulation Strategic Plan

The office of the Executive Associate Dean of Education (EADE) tasked EdTech to create a simulation strategy plan and vision for the UBC Faculty of Medicine (FoM). The Simulation Strategic Plan and Vision was created to provide insight into how simulation as an educational technique will be used to support teaching and learning in an equitable and planned way across the Faculty of Medicine. 

Man looking outside window on UBC Vancouver campus

A working group comprising faculty and administrative functions from across the FoM (UGME, PGME, Health Professions, and Simulation Centre leadership) came together in facilitated sessions to formulate this vision and a series of strategic goals. The group also sought input and guidance from the faculty’s executive leaders and learners representing the various educational programs.

The strategic plan is still in draft, and a final version will be created soon with review and approval from the office of the EADE.