A collaboration between the Rural Coordination Centre of B.C, the residents of Takla Landing and Bella Bella, and the EdTech team.
The film showcases how the Real Time Virtual Support (RTVS) program is braiding together culturally safe, on-the-ground, health care with cutting-edge technology, connecting patients in Canada’s most remote places with the health care they need.
watch the Full Documentary
The Ed Tech team honoured the stories of community leaders, elders, artists, knowledge keepers, and physicians as they worked together to deliver equitable health care to the most remote and rural communities in British Columbia.
The Real Time Virtual Support (RTVS) program is a partnership between the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), HealthLink BC, and UBC Digital EM through funding provided by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) and the Ministry of Health Primary Care Division.
The film was recognized with three international creative competition awards, two Gold Muse Awards and an International Hermes Creative Award, for excellence in production.