Accessing Your Previous Years’ Learning Resources

Note:  You can only access the curriculum materials you encountered during your previous years, you cannot access the current year’s resources that are within learning events. Example- if you are in year 3, you cannot access the current year 1 or year 2 materials, you can only access the materials you encountered in your year 1 and year 2.

There are two ways to access your previous years’ learning resources, either via the curriculum search or by the weeks tab. Steps on how to do this are shown below.

Option 1: Via Curriculum Search

To learn more about the Entrada Search Tool Click here

Option 2: Via Weeks tab

The weeks tab allows you to access a view of each week and their topic, then access the learning events that occurred in that week, and the resources associated with those events.

For more help with this application, or any other education technology supported by FOM, email: for an appointment to meet our Learning-Tech-Rovers on Zoom. They can answer quick questions and guide you through the application.  They are usually able to meet with you on the same day.