Scheduling Small Groups in Entrada Guide

A Note About Events in Entrada

Entrada uses two types of Events:

  • Parent Events are the default learning events for each activity and are scheduled by the Curriculum Management Unit.
  • Child Events are used when different small groups need their activity scheduled at different times/locations. Each Child Event must be linked to a Parent Event for reporting purposes, but allows for individualized schedules and unique instructions if necessary. Admin users will be able to see ALL Child Events whereas students will only see those they are the audience for.

To schedule small groups, we will be using Child Events.

Step 1: Check for Groups

Sign in to Entrada at

If your small groups have already been created, continue below. If not, use this guide and download this CSV template to import and create the necessary small groups. Make sure to follow the naming conventions established.

Note: You should see that your site groups have already been created (Eg. Site – IMP (Class of 2022)) as these are created for courses at the beginning of each academic year. If not, contact

Step 2: Export Schedule

Note: It may be helpful to look for events with a start time of 0:00 (midnight). In some instances, parent events are scheduled in this manner to be out of view for students (eg. Clinical Experience sessions).

Note: if exporting by week, you may have to export multiple CSV files.

Step 3: Modify the CSV file to add your child events

Open the exported CSV file in Excel.


  • Follow naming conventions for the Event Title.
  • Use the Location column to add any In Person and Zoom meeting details.
  • If you wish to attach teachers/tutors to the child event, you must have BOTH the Teacher Numbers/Email (staff number or faculty number) and Teacher Name. Note that this can be edited any time after event creation.

(2) Delete the parent event rows (highlighted) and save another CSV file without parent events. This file will be used to create the new events in Entrada.

Note: You must remove the original Parent event from the CSV (otherwise a duplicate entry will be imported into Entrada).

Step 4: Import Schedule

To import the schedule, return to Entrada.

Step 5: Publish Draft

A draft preview of the imported events will be shown. The list should NOT contain any parent events. You may delete or edit events here before they get imported.

Note: Approving a draft will schedule it to be automatically imported into the system. This process happens every 15 mins, every day. Re-opening a draft will remove it from the importation schedule and allow it to be modified.

  • As an Admin, you will be able to see the new events under Admin > Manage Events
  • Learners will only be able to see events assigned to them in their calendar dashboard

Step 6: Link Parent and Child Events

Once at least 15 minutes have passed, navigate back to Admin > Manage Events and check for your new child events.

In order to link the child events with their parent event, note down the ID of each child event. There are 2 options to find the IDs:

Then click on the parent event to enter the editing screen.

Deleting and Editing Events

Events can be deleted and edited by going to the Admin > Manage Events.

For additional inquiries, please contact: