Community Administration on Entrada

These guidelines will help you administer Entrada Communities. Specifically, they are designed to provide configuration and membership management processes to ensure the security of confidential residential progress information.

Creation and Permissions Configuration

To request the creation of a Community on Entrada (e.g. a Competency Committee Community) please submit your request to Learning Experiences will assist you in setting up the community with the correct permissions configuration.

Please provide the following information with your request:

  1. Name
    • Competency Committee communities should follow this name format: [Program Name] Competency Committee
  2. Document Sharing page type added
  3. Permissions settings set to “Protected” and “Private”
  4. Request that you (or the appropriate person) are made an Administrator of this community

Membership Management

Once your community has been created, you will work in the “Admin Center” of your community to configure it according to your needs:

  1. Select “Manage Members”

2. Click on the “Add Members” tab

3. Choose the desired type of user you would like to add (i.e. faculty, staff)

NOTE: it may take several minutes for the system to load the list of users

4. Select the check box next to the user you would like to add

5. Confirm you have chosen the right user to add, and click on Add Members.

6. Review the members of your community under the “Members” tab. You can promote a member to “Administrator” or remove the “Administrator” role by checking the box next to their name and selecting the relevant option.

Important for Community Security:

To ensure that access to this community is given to only the appropriate users, ensure that this list of members is maintained regularly, and users are removed when appropriate to revoke their access.

Page, Document Folder, & File Permissions Management

Permissions can be managed for Pages, Document Folders, and Individual files:

a. Pages

  1. Click on “Manage Pages” in the “Admin Center”

2. Click on the page you’d like to manage the permissions for.
3. Select the level of permissions you would like to set for the relevant page (e.g. only Administrators can view, or Administrators and Members can view).

b. Document Folders

  1. Navigate to the Document Sharing page in your community.
  2. Click the gear icon next to the folder whose permissions you would like to manage.

3. Adjust the permissions of the folder accordingly, ensuring that folders and file versions are hidden from students.

c. Files

1. Navigate to the file you would like to manage the permissions for

2. Adjust the permissions of the file accordingly, ensuring that you have selected the
option to hide the file from students.

Important for Community Security:

To ensure that access to pages, folders, and files is given to only the
appropriate users, ensure that these permissions are managed regularly, revoking access to community
members as appropriate.

If you encounter any access or technical issues, please contact