Resident data in Entrada is received from the Resident Management System (RMS) and CWL MyAccount. This data is synchronized with Entrada each morning on a daily basis. For more information on RMS, please visit
Profile Information Updates
For name changes, contact the PGME Dean’s Office and indicate in the subject ‘Name Change’. Please attach supporting documentation that applies to your situation.
For email and contact information updates, see these step-by-step instructions: RMS Update Contact Information-Quick Reference.
For CWL password changes, you must update this information in CWL MyAccount
For CWL username changes, contact the UBC IT Service Centre.
See CWL FAQs for further steps on this process.
Once CWL username changes have been completed by UBC IT, please contact both and to ensure your access to RMS and Entrada is also updated.
If you experience issues in updating your profile information in Entrada, please contact