Entrada Personal Profile Navigation for Students

Within your Entrada Profile, you can view your profile information and preferences. This includes your personal information, privacy preferences, and notifications. Click on the profile icon to access the menu. Your Gradebook, Assignments, and Exams can also be viewed here. To logout, select the profile icon and scroll to the bottom of the menu.

entrada entry

Updating Personal Information

To edit your personal information, it must be changed at the source rather than in Entrada.

Student data in Entrada is received from the Student Information System and CWL MyAccount. This data is synchronized with Entrada each morning on a daily basis.

In order to access the SSC, your CWL must be affiliated with a student number. Complete this
by following these steps: https://it.ubc.ca/services/accounts-passwords/campus-wide-login-cwl/how-add-student-number-your-cwl-account

To update your legal name or email in Entrada:

Year 1 & 2

Students must update this information in SSC. See this Student Services information page for more information on this process.

Year 3 & 4

Students must update this information in SSC and Workday. See this Student Services information page for more information on this process in SSC. See this Workday Job Aid for steps on this process in Workday.

Change Your Password

For CWL password changes, you must update this information in CWL MyAccount.

Change Your Username

For CWL username changes, contact the UBC IT Service Centre. Once CWL username changes have been completed by UBC IT, please contact medit.entrada@ubc.ca to ensure your access to Entrada is also updated.


See CWL FAQs for further steps on this process.

If you experience issues in updating your profile information in Entrada, please contact